Saturday, January 28, 2006

Rain and Renewal

Rain and Renewal – January 2006

I woke up this morning to the sound of a down-pouring rain here in Texas. Lord what a wonderful sight! It is perhaps the end of a terrible drought that tendered wildfires, drained water resources and robbed many small town West Texas residents of their homes and livelihood.  I thank God for this wet reprieve.  It’s funny how a dreary, wet day can be such a glorified blessing under the right circumstance.

Rain is a universal symbol of cleansing and renewal. This rainy day is symbolic for me as well.  I have been suffering from writer’s block (otherwise known as lack of inspiration, or laziness, or perhaps a little depression) for a couple of weeks now.  I’ve been on a roller coaster of emotional highs and lows, mostly having to do with family issues, but some admittedly caused by spiraling middle-age hormone imbalances. Something about the fresh, clean sheets of water falling from the sky put my mind back into drive space and lifted my heart once again.

From our office window I see green peeking out of the dried brown winter grass and new leaves on the bottom of all the perennials in the garden.  The sidewalks and driveway appear washed and shiny with glistening water.  I can smell the freshness, even inside the house. Opening the door brings a waft of cool, fresh, oxygenated air that smells like spring.  Mind you, it’s only the 28th of January, so this is a very welcome sensation. It’s also a reminder that God is always there for us and reveals Himself in the details of our every day lives.  We just need to open our eyes and breathe to realize His presence.

I believe that the Creator’s gifts are always in our midst, but the choice of how to use them is ours.  The field is there to cultivate, but if you leave it fallow and fail to plow and plant, no crop will grow.  The field will still be there, will still be a piece of creation, will still have it’s own serenity and beauty; but the point will be missed and it’s usefulness will be diminished by a lack of understanding by men. The miracle of faith for me is that God continues to give and to uphold the promise He gave us through the blood of Christ.  

Regardless of faith, or the lack of faith, one must subscribe to the reality that the state of our lives is interdependent on the state of our mind and heart.  What we do, where we go, who we choose as associates, what we give up to others, how we act out the challenges of life and how much of ourselves we are willing to invest to create value in our lives are the ingredients that act together as a formula for success or failure.  The good news is that unlike a failed cake recipe, you get to change this mix as often as you wish during your lifetime.  The decision to change in a positive direction is the refreshing, renewing rain in our lives.

One could argue that this is a statement of privilege and that circumstances often prevent people from realizing what is in their heart.  I am the last to deny that difficult circumstances can affect progress. However, it is true that, even in the direst of circumstance, you are able by your own power to uplift what is in your mind and your heart. You have the ability to reject failure, deny sin, create and practice your values, be a friend, worship, educate and edify yourself through the simplest of actions.  That action is to use your mind and your heart in its fullest capacity for every decision you make.  

Wherever you are and whatever you are doing, invest in your future by investing your greatest personal resource, which is your ability to think and feel, into a daily plan for improvement. Even the smallest of actions toward the direction of your heart will take you toward your goals. A prayer, a letter, a phone call you need to make, research for knowledge that will help your cause, kindness or help given to a stranger and even a simple smile are steps toward a better life.  If you do this, your circumstance will become a product of who you have become and it will change dramatically in a positive direction.

When you come in out of the rain, I wish you renewal and happiness with God’s blessing.

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