Saturday, November 26, 2005

A Moment to Consider the Pandemic Effect of AIDS

The following link from World Vision will take you to a self test on your knowledge of AIDS and current conditions in the world that stem from this pandemic disease.

The number of human beings affected by HIV/AIDS are staggaring and they will continue to grow unless we practice individual awareness and share knowledge with our world community. Please take a moment to update yourself and to find out some simple ways that you can help spread awareness.

This is a subject dear to my heart. I lost my younger brother Jack to AIDS in December of 1991 after a 4 year battle with the illness. Jack was 35 years old. He was a displaced Texan with a distinctively southern mixed sense of humor and cynicism who lived and worked in Colorado most of his adult life. He was also an extraordinarily kind and empathatic individual with a quick smile and an encouraging word for everyone he knew. He was a loyal friend, a faithful follower of Nicheren Shoshu Buddhism and a hopeful dreamer for both his future and the future of humankind.

Some of Jack's favorite things were the mountains in Colorado, spending time with friends, roller skating, country and western dancing, music and movies. One of my favorite memories of Jack is two-stepping with him to a live country band in a Denver bar. Jack loved warm and bright things and hated to be cold. He was once a championship roller skater, who for a time taught disco skate dancing in New York City.

Knowing how and when to share with others was Jack's special gift. His early death left a tremendous void in the lives of his family and friends. I am asking for your awareness in his memory.

There are many ways to help, including prayer for those affected, keeping yourself safe and free from infection, educating your family and peers and by sharing your annual gifts to charitable funds with the American Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR) or other local support organization of your choice.

Be educated, practice abstinence or safe sex, be tested, be well.

I know that my brother would be grateful for your support. So am I.

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Beaitiful Floral Color in Tennessee

Beaitiful Floral Color in Tennessee