I am watching the news from the comfort of my home and trying to wrap my mind around the hurricane disaster and relate to what is happening in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, the core states of our beloved Southern United States. I am trying to think of the way to pray for people in the wake of such complete devastation and dire depravation. I am trying to imagine what their prayers and thoughts are, what their needs are, who they are and where they will go. I am trying to imagine the scope of their losses; family members gone, some surely dead, homes destroyed beyond rebuilding, medical help beyond reach, no drinkable water or food in sight or for that matter none available in the near future. No churches, no streets, no light when the sun goes down, no dry shelter. Blistering hot sun all day long and hours spent just trying to survive until help comes, praying that no more rain comes but needing the fresh water to drink. Trying to face another day when help does not come. Trying not to think of illness, and perhaps death if they are stranded too long. Some of them are surely wondering whether death would have been kinder.
Please share in my prayer for the hurricane victims and for the special people that are helping in any way that they can.
Dear Lord,
We acknowledge you as the one true God and Savior.
We thank you for the gifts in our lives and for your never ending mercy and forgiveness.
We thank you for our own personal safety.
We ask that you shower gifts of love, healing, mercy, supplies, health and strength to these hurricane victims, our brothers and sisters in Christ.
We ask that you protect each and every person affected by this storm and that you bring unprecedented healing and restoration to their bodies, their homes and their hearts.
We ask further that you bring us together as a nation and that you guide our national leadership and charitable organizations to carry out effective and timely search and rescue efforts.
We ask for the safety of our troops, our National Guard and private agencies that will put their own lives on the line for this effort in the days to come.
We ask your blessings on the souls that perish.
Lastly, we ask that you give us patience, endurance, strength, unity of purpose, resources and resolve to assist as we are able until the needs are met.
These things we ask in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ.

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