On Uniqueness - March 2005
On the way home from shopping at the Garden store for bedding plants tonight, Bill and I witnessed a truly glorious sunset. There were all of the elements of a religious painting, color, rays of light streaming through an opening in the clouds, all of the colors of the rainbow, plus the added bonus of a towering thunderhead, the likes of which you only see in the southwest. It is no wonder there are so many romantic references to sunsets, skies, clouds and open spaces. I was completely captivated by the few moments this particular sunset was in my view.
There are so many other visual and sensual benefits to this magical time of day. My favorite is the way the twilight lengthens shadows and defines the edges of all things in nature providing a deep background for the sun to lay its silvery trace around the edges of our world. Or, on second thought, the kind of twilight that shines through a light rain making a mirror of each drop. Sometimes, on those rare days when the sun hangs low at the horizon and seems to actually grow as it disappears, the colors can be so bright they are blinding. Lately, we have the added benefit of seeing the moon rise while the sun sets. What a world this is. There has not been a single sunset in the millions of years that have passed on this earth that has been the same color, texture or form as another.
To add some context to this line of thinking about our singularity in nature, be reminded that our beloved earth is only a miniscule pinpoint within a multitude of galaxies abounding with suns, minor stars, black holes and planets so far away they are unknown to us and unreachable in our lifetime. Destinations filled with their own variations of chemistry and light.
Since I was already in the depths of wandering thought about the beauty at hand, I moved on to thinking about other things in our lives that follow this rule of nature. Witness the absolute uniqueness of every living thing on earth and the miracle gift of family, friends and acquaintances who keep our lives vibrant with their diversity. There is the gift we each have of a box seat view for the most important event we will experience on earth, our own unique and special life. Then, there is the gift of free will, the ability to change how we view life, people and things so that our own life and the lives of others will be better. Most importantly, there is God watching over us.
Like others, there are moments in my life that I regret, even to the point of woefulness and depression. I confess that I have often failed to use my gifts or my visions for the glory of God and my fellow man, and that doing so I have failed my family and friends. The good news is that through Christ I am forgiven, therefore I forgive, and this freedom opens my eyes and my heart for the future.
They say to stop and smell the roses in the sunset of your life. I say next time the sun rises or sets, take a moment right then to recognize the beauty all around you, and take special notice of the colors and textures within you. Do this no matter what your
position in life may be. Peace comes from truly knowing yourself and acknowledging the wonder of your life. Take joy in life, relish it, stay refreshed in it and share it with others. Love with absolute conviction. You are the guardian of your own health and happiness.
Wait till I tell you what I think about lightning!
Paula Roberts

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